[D365] Get list of Designs of SRS Report by code

Recently the requirement to list all designs of a SRSReport came up and the Metadata API is a good fit for the task to accomplish this with as less lines of code as possible.

The example below will add a static method to the standard class SrsReportHelper to have it available system-wide.

using Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.MetaModel;
using System.Collections;

public final class SrsReportHelper_Extension
	public static List robsGetDesignsOfReport(SRSReportName _reportName)
        List srsReportDesignsList = new List(Types::String);
        AxReport axReport = Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.MetadataSupport::GetReport(_reportName);
        // axReport.Designs will return a KeyedObjectCollection. Check it with ildasm.exe
        var designs = axReport.Designs;
        int noOfDesigns = designs.Count;
        for (int dIdx = 0; dIdx < noOfDesigns; dIdx++)
            AxReportDesign design = designs.get_Item(dIdx);
        return srsReportDesignsList;


The using statement at the top is only comfort to be able to use the metadata interfaces like AxReport without the whole assembly name.


An example to consume the method:

TmpSrsReportDesignName tmpSrsReportDesignName;
ListEnumerator le = SrsReportHelper::robsGetDesignsOfReport(reportStr(SalesInvoice)).getEnumerator();


while (le.moveNext())
    tmpSrsReportDesignName.DesignName = le.current();