

Software Engineer / Application Developer

[D365] Get DataSource object from FormDataSourceEventHandler

Just a short snippet to show you how to get the DataSource object from a FormDataSourceEventHandler in D365fO because I search it in my Evernote most of the time: FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(LedgerJournalTable, LedgerJournalTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Activated)] public static void LedgerJournalTable_OnActivated(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e) { LedgerJournalTable currentRecord = sender.cursor(); FormDataSource ledgerJournalTableDS

[D365] error Parameter name: The static extension method has not been set properly

While upgrading an AX2012 R3 solution, I trapped into the following error: Abnormal termination with unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: The static extension method has not been set properly The extension class looks like this: /// /// Extension for table CustBankAccount /// [ExtensionOf(tablestr(CustBankAccount))] final class CustBankAccountROBS_
1 min read