[D365] How to add custom report designs to print management lookup

Creating a new SSRS Report design for a customer is not a big deal.

Overwriting the default report design for a specific document type in the print management is also simple, it just needs an event handler on PrintMgmtDocType.getDefaultReportFormatDelegate with a switch statement on the document type that modifies the _result.result() value.

Adding additional report designs to the lookup of a specific document type to the print management without overwriting the default needs another way.

Create an extension on class PrintMgmtReportFormatPopulator and add a Chain of Commands (CoC) method to it to hook on the method addDocuments:

/// Populates the PrintMgmtReportFormat table used for print management with the erah documents.
public final class PrintMgmtReportFormatPopulatorAppSuite_myClass_Extension

    protected void addDocuments()
        // Purchasing documents

        next addDocuments();

    /// Adds purchase records to the PrintMgmtReportFormat table.
    public void myAddPurchaseDocuments()
        this.addOther(PrintMgmtDocumentType::PurchAgreementConfirmation, ssrsReportStr(myPurchPromptLetterReport, Report), ssrsReportStr(myPurchPromptLetterReport, Report), #NoCountryRegionId);
        this.addOther(PrintMgmtDocumentType::PurchAgreementConfirmation, ssrsReportStr(mySecondPurchPromptLetterReport, Report), ssrsReportStr(mySecondPurchPromptLetterReport, Report), #NoCountryRegionId);
